Monday, May 7, 2007

I'm not gonna make it

Here I am at the the start of Finals week and blogging instead of studying Chemistry, or Literature, or writing the 5-7 page paper on the Congo due on Thursday that I haven't even started. The last 3 weeks of school have been absolute hell. I am so exhausted I can't think anymore. It's not a sleepy kind of exhaustion... more like a brain exhaustion. I had my German written test AND the oral test on Friday. I wasn't as prepared for either of them as I should have been. For the oral test you partner up with another student (Aaron, an English major, is my partner) and you go into the prof's office and make conversation with her. It's horrible. I do fine talking in class, and fine on the written tests, and singing the songs, putting on performances (well, except the last one where I was the Fairy King... got my first B+ on that one), but you put me in that office and I totally freeze up and only gibberish comes out. She asked me, in German, what I do when I get up in the morning. I answered in German that first I stretch and then I brush my teeth and then I shower. Well... that's what I thought I said... what I REALLY said was that first I KNIT and then I brush the HOUSE! Well, at least I made my prof laugh!

I so can't wait until next week! School will be done for me and I can take the whole week and get all my laundry caught up and my house cleaned. And just watch mindless tv and lay in the sun if I want. I feel like for the last 3 months all I have done is go to class and come home and study. My highlight of every day is playing catch with Brandon. Hmmm, and just 3 more years to go.

BTW, my 2000 Dodge Stratus is for sale. 90k miles, new brakes, new battery, mint condition. $3900. Let me know if you know anyone interested.

I miss my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

One more week! You can do it!

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine doing what you're OUR age! You are truly incredible, even if you don't feel like it. I guess there's a reason we should've finished college when we first enroll, huh? Who woulda thought? =)

I miss you tons and can't wait to see you!

Blossoming luv,

Evelyn said...

No doubt! That would be my advice to all high school graduates... if you go to college, give it your all, get involved, and stick with it until you graduate. And then, figure out your life and career before getting married... wait until you are like 28 or so and mature enough to know what the hell you are doing. They have their whole lives ahead of them! I find myself so envious of that.

I miss you too! Once I get through this we'll get together...I promise!

Fresh love,

Unknown said...

Ev, you make me laugh - I'm telling you write that book! Perhaps I will be the only one that gets it but at least you will have sold one copy :) When I had my oral French exam in college I answered all of the questions in English and still got a C. Too funny!You have more strength than you give yourself credit for. Be sure to call me next week - we can do lunch! Love you! Jen