Since I'm a college student, shouldn't I be somewhere sunny and warm, where I can lay around in the sun, drinking margaritas? Doesn't this go with college? Well, then why have I spent the last 3 days of my spring break spring cleaning?! Granted, my house desperately needed it... this is what happens when you don't clean for 5 months. The only things that managed to stay clean since school started in the fall are my kitchen counters and sink, and my toilets. This is thanks to FlyLady. I can't imagine how god awful my house would be if I didn't follow a little of the flylady plan. I keep telling myself that during the summer months my house will be clean and all will be well. In the meantime I pray that no unexpected guests show up at my door, or that I die and everyone I know will flock to my house (Jenn, you know the plan!).
I have participated in a bit of leisure activity on my spring break... it hasn't been all drudgery. While cleaning, I have watched Judging Amy every day from 11 to 1. My God I've missed this show! Each episode is guaranteed to pull at my heart strings in some way, make me laugh, make me cry, or just make me feel good inside. I continue to ask myself why on earth they would pull this quality show off television so apruptly? Not enough violence (well, there is plenty of talk of abuse)? Not enough nudity (there was that scary episode where icky Stu was nude at the pool... ewww.)? Not mindless enought; did it make Americans think too much? I miss it soooo much.
I have also been doing a lot of reading on my spring break. Brandon has hockey every day (except Wednesday because of church) from 4 to 5 so I've been going to the library with Java Express Latte in hand to kill time. I've been reading "King Leopold's Ghost" for history class.

It's about the colonization of the Congo in Africa in the late 1800's. It's actually a pretty good read if you like history.
I've also been reading The Secret. If you haven't heard of it, you must live in a cave. Oprah had it on her show and it's been on the best selling list ever since. For a few weeks you couldn't find it in stores if you're live depended on it. I'm undecided on how I feel about it... it has good points, but so far, it really isn't anything I haven't heard before. I'm only a quarter of the way through it, so maybe it's too soon to tell.
The third book I'm reading is How to Be Like Walt;

Capturing the Disney Magic Every Day of Your Life. I have always loved the history behind Walt Disney and am intrigued about his philosphies. This book is written by Pat Williams, who is the owner of the Orlando Magic. It's a very simply written book, and most of the stories of Mr. Disney I have already read about, but I like the way Pat shows how to take Mr. Disney's experiences and apply them to your life. Mr. Disney had many qualities that CEO's and owners of companies could use today. He is an inspiration. Art Linkletter wrote a particularly moving introduction as well. I'm about a 1/3 of the way through it.

I also watched Mona Lisa Smile. This movie really displays how far women have come... and also how far we have yet to go. Not a mindless movie and there is no violence, sex or nudity. If this is what you're into, you won't find it in this movie, so save your rental dollars.
I have to go make a dessert now... we have a dinner at church every Wednesday during Lent and the youth group is hosting tonight's. Brandon signed me up to bring dessert, so dessert I am bringing.
And I have much more cleaning to do.....
Be safe!
It was so nice out yesterday that I vacuumed and cleaned my car! I don't think it's been cleaned since last summer and was soooo gross.
I have a couple Disney books if you would like to borrow them. They are both about Michael Eisner's rule and how the company was being run at that time. Lots of nasty behind the scenes dealings.
Oh, I know the plan! No matter how much we talk or don't talk that plan stands firm. Can't wait to see you for lunch next week! Love you! Say "Hi" to B and Jeff for me.
Replace rental dollars with downloading bandwidth and that is accurate.
I enjoy your blogging, keep it up!
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