I'm going to take a week or two to try and get some order back in my life, and then I'll start working at the nursing home again. Everything gets put on the back burner while I'm in school... and I mean everything! Laundry, house cleaning, hair cuts, it all doesn't happen during school. My friends also get sadly neglected, so I plan on doing some reconnecting over the summer as well.
Friday I got my hair cut... found a great new stylist (had to find a new one since the last one is an old friend of Jeff's ex-wife and that just felt awkward as hell!) at Headlines on Superior Street in Duluth. Her name is Erin and I immediately felt a connection. It's been so long since I have had a stylist that I clicked with, and who understands my hair and what I like, so this makes me crazy happy!
Today (right now, actually) I'm at Kolar getting some work done on my truck. They are doing the 90K check. putting on new tires and back brakes. At the end of the summer I need to have stuff flushed and belts replaced, but he told me I could put that off a bit and just do the safety stuff first (tires and brakes). I had them look at my driver seat too... it's wiggly and I found a nut. They checked it out and the seat is safe. To replace the nut and stop the wiggle they would have to pull the whole seat out and take it apart... he advised to wait on that as well. I wrecked the mat in the cargo area because I forgot I had a battery sitting back there to be dropped off at Sears and it leaked stuff. Sadly, they can't order me a new one because it comes with the truck. I can get a rubber one, but that costs about $200. He advised that I put indoor/outdoor carpeting or a big rug back there. I gotta make this vehicle last me at least until 2011 -- he told me that this engine or whatever has been known to go 350K so it should make it. That's why I bought it, so I keep my fingers crossed! Luckily I sold my Stratus last week to a cute high school girl down the road from me, so that money will go towards these repairs.
Tomorrow I am going to the chiropractor. A friend of mine recommended her. I'm having pain in my shoulder that I can feel go all the way down to my thumb. It's a bad ache, more than a pain. Hopefully she can do something about it without breaking the bank. I only have student health insurance and it doesn't cover much!
Tuesday Sears is coming out to do yearly maintenance stuff on my tractor and my washer and dryer.
And in just a little bit I'm going to be having coffee with Jenn. It will be non-stop talking and laughing the entire time and I can't wait!
I'm working on the rest of my summer "to do" list and this summer and I swear I will accomplish everything! It is just so amazing how fast the summer goes! This summer will go extra fast since I need to take summer school.
I have absolutely no traveling plans mapped out for the summer yet. My camper has been recalled and is unusable until I get it fixed (it'll be on the list). I'd like to go with Jeff and all the boys out to Custer State Park, but I'm not sure that will happen. I've also had an idea of renting cabins at Itasca with Fred and his family and me and Jeff and all the boys (they know nothing of this idea yet!) for a long weekend or something. It's so late in the year I don't even know if cabins are available anymore. Most people plan their summers way back in January. Lately I've had the traveling itch and find myself thinking of Norway!
Here's a stave church that they moved from somewhere in Norway to this "historic outdoor museum" in Oslo that I went to. There are only about4 of these left. The rest were burned or destroyed during wars.
Anyway, that's probably enough rambling for today. There will be more blogs from now that summer is here, I promise!
Stay safe!
Congrats on being done with school for the season! Say hi to Jenn for me when you two go out.
Thanks! Keep your chin up, okay? I worry about you...
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