Knowing that an infection is never anything to be taken lightly, I immediately left a message for my surgeon in the cities, and also made an appointment with my doc in Two Harbors. The doc gave me a nice big shot and a 10-day supply of antibiotics and also commended me for coming in so promptly. She explained that especially when there is hardware involved (such as the plate and screws currently holding my leg together), it is very important that infections are treated quickly and kept a close eye on because if they get away from you it could require another surgery to clean the infection off of the plate. Don't want none of that, thank you very much!
I also must praise the Minnesota Orthopaedic Specialists which is who took care of my surgery. Not only did they promptly call me back after I left a message, they also called me this morning to find out how my appointment in Two Harbors went. Now that's what I call "Personalized Customer Service." And that is all it takes to make me a lifelong loyal customer... although I sure hope I won't be needing them again anytime soon.
My parents have been here the last two days and have been busy as bees not only taking care of me but also taking care of stuff around my house. Norm

And being it's my birthday today, I usually find myself wondering about my biological parents and siblings... I wonder where they are and if they think of me today. But today instead I find myself ever so thankful that Larry and Eva chose me to take home to be their daughter. They are the greatest gift of all and I believe they were truly sent by God himself. I thank God every day for selecting them to be my parents.
Sorry I don't have a better choice of pictures to post, but most of my boxes of photos are tucked away in high places, unreachable by birthday girls on crutches.

Your post brought tears to my eyes! You are very lucky, my dear friend, for the parents you have and I'm so happy that you realize it.
That's a great picture, love the matching hats.
Thanks for tearing me up first thing in the a.m. when I have a dozen or so more e-mails to get through and now won't be able to read for a while!!! LOL!! Ya know Ever, I bet your mom and dad thank God for you every day too!!! I do!! :) Love ya!!! Janie
Good lord, with having Jen and the babies here and moving, I completely forgot it was your birthday! Happy belated cousin...and I know you're strong and will get thru hard as it may be..Love ya...Kathy
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