And it couldn't have happened with someone I know really really well so that I could scream and holler like the big baby I truly am... nooo... it has to happen with a guy I haven't seen in 27 years. But that's okay since I had plenty of opportunity to scream. holler and cry myself silly as I drove myself across the twin cities using my left foot through rush hour traffic.
But on the good side of things, it happened in the cities so that Jeff and my parents could take care of me in shifts. And it happened during summer, so I don't have to worry about long pants, snow and ice, or big heavy backpacks filled with textbooks. And I should be walking again by the time I go back to school. So, see? There is a silver lining.
The bad thing is that I haven't been able to put any weight on it since it happened 11 days ago. And summer is the time of year I love to spend outdoors gardening, and hiking, and KAYAKING! Yes, I just bought the darn thing and now I can't use it! And it's my last free summer, no less. And, my ankle is really, really ugly now.
The surgery went well and was educational. I had awesome nurses who all shared little bits of nursing career advice with me. And they all thought I was delightful (yes, they actually told me

I'm now back at home and Brandon has been helping me and trying to stay smiling at the same time. My parents are coming up later in the week and Jeff will be coming up on Friday. In the meantime I have figured out how to hobble around the house in small exhausting spurts, take a shower without actually stepping in, and drive my car using my left foot. My biggest excitement today was that I figured out to balance on one foot and clean the toilet at the same time! It's been an interesting adventure to say the least!
I have an appointment on Monday in the cities to get the staples taken out and I'm hoping I'll then be able to put a little weight on it and start physical therapy. Hopefully life can start to get back to normal after that.
I have learned a few things along this bumpy journey:
- I've learned to put my pride aside and let people help me.
- I've learned to be patient.
- I've learned to slow down.
- I've learned that not everyone does everything exactly the way I would, and that's okay.
- I've learned that Malcolm in the Middle is on TV a lot... and that's a very good thing.
- I've learned how to keep my toes cool and dry inside a hot black boot.
- I've relearned that there are a lot of wonderfully good people out there in the world.

Okay, well maybe THIS one isn't so gruesome. Jeff had surprised me with a hotel stay that weekend as an early birthday gift... well, the easiest way to get me in and out of the hotel was by use of the baggage cart.


For those who aren't completely familiar with my right foot, it is not normally as fat as it here!

1 comment:
Oh you poor thing!! well I know exactly how we can make that ankle look pretty again. We can go to a tat parlor and have him tat right on those stitch marks. You could do a daisy chain like mine.only have yours going verticle. How does that sound??? :) Poor baby!! Jeff, take good care of her please!!
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