Friday, May 23, 2008

Procrastination will eventually bite you in the butt

I don't have a lot of time to spare, but thought I'd write a little as I finish my coffee this morning.

Brandon's confirmation open house is a week from tomorrow. I literally have a list of 50 things to get done before then. Thank God I'm not working right now! I got quite a few things done yesterday: took down the winter hallway curtain, washed and hung on line to dry; I made a decision on a color for the family room and went to town to buy it; took down the awful valance and vertical blinds and brackets from my patio door (good riddance!); I purchased my hanging baskets and got them where they go; purchased my marigolds for walkway; worked on painting the bar stools.

Today I am going to finish painting the bar stools, clean off the porch, and start on the family room. I am most excited about the family room as I have HATED it since I moved in 7 years ago. It is a dirty rose color with teal green carpeting -- puke! There is no time or money to replace the carpeting right now, but I think painting it will make a huge difference.

Why do we wait for a big celebration to fix up our houses? I remember as a kid my parents and my friends parents all scrambling to get their houses fixed up for confirmation and graduation parties. We should do this stuff for us instead of doing it for other people since we are the ones you spend so much time here! I think we all have good intentions to do stuff but time just slips away and the next thing you know 7 years have passed and you still haven't gotten it done. Well, that's what happened to me anyway, and now I'm scrambling.

This weekend Brandon is going to his Dad's (I'm waiting for the inevitable "gas is too expensive" excuse from his Dad) and Jeff is coming up. Jeff and I will be painting the outside of my house this weekend, so I am praying for good weather. He has already replaced several boards and the paint is already purchased, so we are pretty well set to go. I really wanted to have the front deck replaced before the party, but that is definetly not happening! I'm hoping we can also have a little fun and go see the Indiana Jones movie too.

BTW, summer has officially started because Judy is back and we have had our first summer girlie lunch! Woohoo!


Paige said...

Oh my, don't get me going about home projects! I have planned to paint the trim in my living room since I re-painted the baseboards A YEAR AGO! What's worse, I taped them off, thinking it would induce me into doing it faster. Well, I still have each of my windows (7 in all) outlined with blue painter's tape. I don't even notice it any more until someone says something or I see it in a picture, then I cuss myself out for not doing it sooner and go back to eating BonBons and watching TV =)

Anonymous said...

Hey Ev, Janie Martha Stewart here, lol, if you don't have time or money for your carpet, and you really really hate it, go to Pamida and get a big area rug in your new colors!!! No one will even notice the outsides because of furniture!! Just a suggestion!!! Can't wait to meet your house!! We will do something about waiting to do it for friends!! I think we have a start!! We'll just keep on going now!!!! Janie p.s. love your pic!!!! Did you do that???