My sophomore year (again) is done. My nursing classes were frustrating, but went well (got an A so I really don't have to much to complain about, do I?). I had a brief taste of clinicals at Benedictine Health Center on the sub-acute floor. My first patient only had 2 minutes of exposure to me and then he got the news that he had an untreatable obstructed bowel and was going to die. Great start to my career.
My other classes went well as well. I got an A- in Nutrition (I was robbed!) and an A in Financial Management. Just waiting to hear about my German grade...
So far my summer vacation has been spent getting the house ready for Brandon's big Confirmation shindig. Jeff has been helping me prep the house to be painted... replacing boards and stuff. I also want to get my fireplace replaced before then and at least get the family room painted. I'd like to get new flooring put in there as well, but I just don't know if there will be enough time.
I did manage to get my front flower gardens cleaned out during the couple of warm days we did get last week. The few daffodils and muscari that the deer didn't eat are blooming nicely.
I checked the schedule for The New Adventures of Old Christine and it doesn't look like she is going to be on at all during May! Figures, now that I have all the time in the world to watch it!
Just finished watching Walk The Line. LOVED it. Joaquin
Phoenix was very convincing as Johnny Cash. And I was impressed with his and Reese Witherspoon's singing. I know I'm behind in seeing it since it was released in 2005... I'm behind in a lot of things! If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend that you do. I found some great photos of June and Johnny if you are interested:

As a lot of you know, I am fascinated with old and often abandoned buildings as well as old things. My house is filled with old things that have been in my family, or things I have collected over the years. My newest fav is a trunk I picked up at my fav antique store in Two Harbors. I've been asked a few times why I love old things so much, and I sometimes find it hard to explain. Well, I ran across an excerpt from a book entitled No Smooshing, by Gary E. Anderson, that I thought sums up why I feel the way I do about old things pretty well. Check it out if you have a spare minute or two:

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