Most parents agree that we would much rather be sick ourselves than have a sick child. Brandon (Thank God) usually doesn't get sick very often, but he's been making it up this year. He's had strep twice, and a couple of colds this past winter but that still doesn't hold a candle to how sick he has been these past few days.

It started on Friday with a bad headache and a slight fever. Sat am he puked, headache was worse, no appetite, and his fever was up to 101.
Sunday am he puked twice, headache was terrible, no appetite, he had spots on his limbs, face and neck, and his fever was up to 102.7. He was suppose to go to a Christian camp this week, so I called our pastor and told him that Brandon was very sick, we were going to the ER, and he wouldn't be at camp. I expected a compassionate answer (I don't know why, I've never gotten one in the past) like, "Oh! I hope Brandon will be okay!" or "I hope Brandon feels better soon." or "I hope it's nothing serious; I'll be sure to pray for him." But no, I heard nothing but "okay, I'll hold your registration until next week." Frustrates the crap out of me... if it wasn't for the members of the congregation whom I love dearly, I would be so out of there! Anyway, that's a topic for another blog.
We took him to the ER in TH where thankfully we got in right away. They ran blood tests and took a throat culture. No strep, and his blood was okay except his white blood cell count was high. They ruled out meningitis, strep, hoof and mouth disease, rocky mountain fever, allergies, and lyme disease. Oh, and syphillis. We left with no answers (viral syndrome is what is written on the sheet), and the orders to withold food and give tylenol (which is what we were already doing). The standard line of "If he doesn't improve, take him to see his regular dr." Ugh.
So Monday, he puked twice, his fever was down (prob due to the tylenol), spots still there, lightheaded, weak, and headache was at a pain level of 8. Tylenol wasn't helping. His normal doc was out (of course) so we got the one doc I don't like... Dr. Peterson. He has the bedside manner of a dead fish and always seems insanely nervous. But at least he ausculated and palpated B's abdomen, which ER doc never did (too busy looking at the spots, I guess). B was tender in the lower right quadrant, so doc thought it may be his appendix, even tho the other symptoms didn't match up. So off we went to have a CT scan.
They made him drink horrible stuff and on a stomach that was already upset, you can guess what happened. And the stuff he had to drink was red... Then, because he was a bit dehydrated, they couldn't find a good place to put in an IV. The third time was the charm, finally. Then the CT scanning machine wouldn't work -- they had to reboot it twice. Meanwhile, my child is laying flat on his back, bright lights in his face, writhing in pain because his head was hurting so bad. Finally, they got it to work. Then came the awful wait for the results. The last time I waited for CT scan results was 6 years ago and the answer was a death sentence, so you can imagine what was going on in my head no matter how hard I tried to think positive.
An hour and a half later the dr informed us that all looked ok. Which was a huge relieve, but still no answer on what was wrong!
So, guess what? Because this doc didn't know what it was either, he chalked it up as a viral syndrome too. I did convince him to at least give him something stronger for his pain, so we walked out 5 1/2 hours later with a prescription for Lortab.
He puked when we got home and puked two more times before bed, but finally his headache was down to a 3.
He didn't sleep last night, but didn't puke this am -- Thank God! No fever, and the spots are fading. But still no appetite... not even for gatorade anymore. So maybe, we made a turn for the better, but I'd feel better if he would eat something and drink more.
I wish it were me instead.