Tuesday, July 1, 2008

zu heiss!

I came home yesterday from the cities, leaving all my loved ones behind, with the good intention of getting some things done both outside and inside around my homestead. My plants looked very sad and thirsty, so it is a good thing I did come home when I did. But it is so blasted hot and humid today that I have no energy to do anything! I am actually envying those of you who have to work during the summer, but only those of you who actually work in the cool fresh air of air conditioning.

I did manage to get 3 loads of laundry done... 2 of which are hanging outside on the line waiting to come in and be put away. I also did Wii Fit for 50 minutes (gotta love the boxing!). And I made the procastinated phone call to my insurance agent regarding my chimney claim (I, like my good friend Jac, for some reason hate the phone). And I've actually put away 2 laundry baskets full of stuff that was in my room. So it hasn't been completely unproductive... I just hate that walking from one end of the house to the other makes me sweat.

And I am soooo not looking forward to putting in my volunteering hours at the library tonight. I think they have AC, but it either doesn't work well, or they have it set at too high a temp, because even in May I was sweating. I can only imagine how I will sweat tonight!

On a side note, can you believe it is July 1 already?! I'm going to be heading back to school before I know it!! Ugh! I haven't even opened my camper since hauling it home from storage, let alone camped in it. Geez!

By the way, I'm planning on selling it... it's a really nice camper with AC (hey, wait a minute!) and has barely been used. Know anyone? Let them know!

1 comment:

Paige said...

It was 90 degrees in the Cities yesterday and I didn't even turn my air on (a first for me)! Of course I was only working from my dining room table all day so I rarely left my seat long enough to generate a sweat.

I, too, am shocked that it's July already and have already started doing the "countdown" until summer is over and school starts again (I hate when I do that). Summer goes way too fast! Didn't it seem to last forever when we were kids?