First off, the sun was shining! Wow, what a beautiful day!
The Sears guy came out today and tuned-up my tractor so it is ready to go. Also gave my washer and dryer a clean bill of health. If any of you have front-loader washing machines, be sure to use the HE detergent. He told me that he does tons of repairs on bearings because people are using regular detergents in their front-loaders.
I skipped cleaning and crap today and went for a 5.2 mile hike at Gooseberry instead. I decided that when I am old and sitting in a nursing home, am I going to be recalling the fond memories I have of cleaning? Hell no! So, I went hiking instead and oh how glorious it was! I headed up the river and then took a trail away from the river. I packed a lunch and everything... how come a plain ole sandwich tastes so good on a hike?
Afterwards I decided to hang out in town until B finished Baseball practice. Drove thru my favorite coffee shop and got my favorite latte which was free because my little card was full... awesome! My fav coffee guy was working and we shared mosquito stories... only in Mn. I went to Burlington Bay and looked over the lake, drank my coffee, read my book, and said a little prayer thanking God that I live in such a beautiful place.
When I got home I drove my tractor around... it was so much fun that I didn't even mind all the happy little gnats flying around my head.
And then I checked my grades for the 1400th time since I handed in my last paper... and, well, you can see below. I don't mind tooting my own horn because I had to work so damn hard... so TOOT! TOOT!
Hatha Yoga: A-
Biochemistry and Cell Biology: B+
Introduction to Literature: A
Beginning German III-IV: A
World History II: A-
Leadership Hlth Care Systems: A
Current Term: 18.000 Credits 3.76 GPA
Cumulative: 32.000 Credits 3.74 GPA
Congrats on the great grades! What happened with biochem? :-P
Gooseberry is absolutely beautiful! Did you take any pictures? This is such a great time of year and I'm glad that you're taking full advantage of it.
Congrats on pulling a 3.76 GPA! OMG, girl, did youever think...way back when we were partying into the wee hours of the morning at Concordia College that one day you'd an "A" student? Boy, how times change!
Enjoy the day, the caffeine and beauty!
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