I am back from spending Christmas with my parents on the Gulf Coast in Alabama and from a visit to the happiest place on earth (Disney World, silly!). It was a much needed rest as my week before Christmas was a rough one. It's not usually good, but this one was especially bad. I had finals that week. I had to pack and prepare for the trip. I went to court to fight a speeding ticket. And, most sad of all, I had to take Polar to the vet to be put down.
Polar would have been 18 years old on June 1st. I have had her nearly my entire adult life! She and I had been through an awful lot together and I still have a hard time imagining her not here with me. But I feel so incredibly blessed to have had such a fantastic companion for so many years. I couldn't have asked for a better dog... I'll never forget her.
Anyway, on to happier topics... Brandon and I flew out of Mpls on Christmas Eve and spent about a week with my parents. My brother Glen was there for part of the time also. I haven't spent Christmas with Glen in a very long time! My friend Fred's mom and step-dad, Nancy and Tom, joined us on Christmas Day for dinner. That was also an extra special treat! The weather was not the greatest, but I still managed to get a 2 mile walk in on the beach every day. I got to see the dolphins swimming. And the Blue Angels flew over several times. And a crazy bi-plane did insane tricks right in front of our beach. We spent New Year's Eve at Nancy and Tom's along with their daughter Linda, and a whole group of the snow-bird friends. Because Brandon and I had to get up so early for the long drive to Orlando the next day, we didn't stay up to ring in the new year.
Disney World was awesome as usual. It rained at some point every day but one. But we still enjoyed ourselves immensly! My new favorite all-time ride is Expedition Everest at Animal Kingdom. This ride totally rocks! Brandon's favorite was the Talk with Crush at The Seas in Epcot. My only regret is that I came home with no tan whatsoever.

This week I am spending at home cleaning and doing laundry. I need to get my house back in order before school starts next Tuesday. Speaking of school, I got all A's in my classes except for a damn B in Chemistry. I wanted an A in that class so badly!!! Ah, well... I really shouldn't complain. My gpa is 3.71.
Polar was a good dog for you. She led a very good life.
Good for people to know.
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