On days like today I find myself again asking the question "Why do I live here?" At least during normal winters we have snow and I can go snowshoeing, but with no snow, what the hell is the point of having winter at all? Parking at school absolutely sucks. First I drive around the close lot, stalking everyone who walks by, praying that they are leaving. When that fails, and time is running out, I head to the back lots. Most days I have to park at the furthest lot which means a 15 minute uphill walk. The school is at one of the highest points in Duluth which means most days it is windy. This walk sucks! I bundle up with a hat, scarve, mittens, and closed toe shoes, and still I am frozen by the time I get there. I mention the closed toe shoes, because you would be amazed at how many stupid college girls are wearing flip flops or dressy sandal type shoes and walking through snow and cold to school. And boys who refuse to wear a winter coat and head to class in their sweatshirts. Boy, I am really sounding like a mother right now, aren't I?
For German class, our group project is that we have to lip sync a German pop song called Kussen Verbotten. Translation = Kissing Forbidden. If you are interested, email me and I'll be happy to send you the mp3 of the song... It's not bad, actually! I'm a little old to be in an air band, but I will do my best! My friends and I did take 3rd place in an Air Band concert in college the first time I went... at least, I think we did. My memory is foggy on these years... Jacquie will remember and I'm sure she'll comment with a correction if needed! She remembers this stuff way better than I do. Hey! But ask me anything about Christopher Columbus and I bet I will remember! Well, maybe...
We saw the movie Arthur and the Invisibles over the weekend. My advice to you is don't waste your precious dollars. If you must see it, rent, do not buy, but rent the movie when it comes out. It had a few laughing moments, but that was about it. I preferred the movie when it was real people and not a cartoon. I thought the cartoon part was really lacking. They tried to sell it by throwing Snoop Dogg in it, and while that part was slightly entertaining, it didn't make up for the rest of the movie. The cartoon girl was played by Madonna and she was suppose to by like a 14 year old girl. Personally, I thought she was drawn like a midriff-exposing 22-year-old instead. The 12-year-old in the movie of course falls in love with her, and she with him. Incredibly unrealistic and again, shows young girls that this is what you need to look like, even if you're a cartoon, to even attempt at getting a young kid to be interested in you. We are all going to hell in a handbasket.
I also watched In America for the second time, this time with Jeff. He of course hated it because it made him sad. He thinks I have this morbid taste in movies, like City of Angels (one of my all time favorites), always picking the most depressing movies with horribly sad, tragic endings. My answer to him was they are just too deep for him to handle. :-) He didn't find that very funny... Anyway, In America is a movie about an Catholic Irish family who moves to Manhattan from Ireland in the 80s. They are in search of a better life in America and basically sell everything they own just to get here. They have two adorable little girls, and tragically lost their little boy to a brain tumor. It's all about how their lives change for the better even though they are living in horrific conditions surrounded by a life that is new to them. If you are looking for a "feeling movie," rather than the shallow stuff Hollywood usually throws at is, see this one.
I even watched One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. I haven't seen this movie in years, and was surprised how differently I viewed it this time. I can sure tell that I have grown up since the last time I saw it! If you don't remember, this was a movie from 1975 starring Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito, and Christopher Lloyd and takes place in a mental hospital. Quite disturbing, but good movie. My physchology professor from last year said that up until the 1960s, lobotomies were performed quite regularly in mental institutions. Nice.
All right, enough procrastinating on my end. I must go study German and Chemistry. I have tests in both on Friday. Scary!
Later little peeps!
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