Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Healthcare in America and more Extreme thoughts

First of all thank you to those who responded with comments or emails on my latest blog on my Extreme thoughts. I want to clarify that I do think the Extreme Home Makeover show is a great show that does great things -- especially compared to a lot of the other trash on tv these days. And I'm happy that the house built in South Range is eco-friendly and much, much smaller than the typical houses they build. Like GooChick, I have always thought that it would be nice if they could spread the wealth a little -- build smaller homes so that they could help more families. I was very touched by the outpouring of volunteers and donations especially knowing how bad our economy is up here right now. I only wonder where all these volunteers have been before Hollywood came to town? Lausten commented on my earlier post about how Extreme Home Makeover shows people that volunteering can be fun -- something they may not have realized before. My concern was that many of these volunteers were volunteering simply to get on tv or meet a star, but even if this is the case, maybe it will spark them to continue volunteering on a smaller scale.

But I also saw how Extreme volunteering made people crazy. Where it became their only focus and they had no regard for those close to them. Parents spent more time in the last several weeks than they did with their kids... hard feelings were caused between coworkers... local companies bickered amongst one another about levels of publicity... Would these people have gone this crazy if it had been for the local food shelf?

Moving on to my other soapbox: Healthcare in America.

I know this is a heated topic right now, and I encourage you to watch this video:

Something has to change. We are the richest country in the world and yet there are millions of people who go without medical treatment because they can't afford it. Currently 47 million Americans have no health insurance. Nearly 9 million are children. This will continue as long as our health insurance companies are "for profit." A "for profit" company's purpose is to make money... period. And as you can see from the video, UHC has been very successful -- they are able to pay their CEO $102K an hour! This country is turning into a place where only the very rich and the very poor will have medical care and receive higher education. The rest of us will be choosing between prescription meds or food on the table. In America, NO ONE should go without healthcare. Healthcare costs are rising at 5 times the rate of inflation! A major reason for this is greed -- the insurance companies' top dogs want bigger mansions and fancier private jets.

The bottom line is that insurance companies should not make a profit. Switzerland's healthcare plan would be a good place for America to model after (if we could only put our arrogance aside -- yes, other countries are better than us in some areas). If you'd like to read more on this, follow this link:

No one should have to choose between food and healthcare, and that is what is happening right here in the good ole' USA.


Paige said...

Amen, sista! I total agree with all you said.

I've always liked Extreme Makeover, however, does anyone really need a million-dollar home and five flat-screen TV's?

AS for healthcare, I am AMAZED that we still don't have universal coverage in this country. I mean, HIlary Clinton brought this issue to light in the 1980's and we haven't come any further since then.

I work for the 2nd largest insurance company in the world yet, of all the places I've worked, I've never had worse coverage and such sky-high deductibles. Even though I am gainfully employed, I cannot afford to go the doctor.

Maybe the current plan purposed by President Obama isn't the best, but it amazes me that so many are up-in-arms over the prospect of offering universal coverage. Isn't it time that we take care of our own, especially the young and elderly?

Jennbunny said...

I couldn't have said it any better Ev. It's time for the silent majority to start getting LOUD!