Monday, October 23, 2006

I hate the unknown

And God must know this about me and must love to throw unknown curve balls in my direction to make me squirm. I don't even like it when I don't have a plan for tomorrow, let alone, next month, next year, the next 5 years, or beyond!

As you know, I quit my corporate america job to become a nurse. I really wanted my bachelor's in nursing, and St. Scholastica told me that I could have this 4-year degree in the same amount of time that it would take to get my 2-year at Lake Superior College. So I made the switch.

On Oct. 2nd, I applied for the nursing program with my recruiter and advisor telling me that I had nothing to worry about because of my high GPA and my membership with Phi Theta Kappa. On Oct. 19th I got a letter saying that I'm a reject.

The next day there was a group of girls, including myself, outside my advisor's office in tears. Apparently they had way more applicants than they expected.

I can reapply next fall. And if accepted, graduate in May, 2010.

The problem is, the money I am living on stops coming in when Brandon turns 16. November 25, 2009.

I really wanted to be an RN. Not only would I be damn good at it, it pays well enough where I could pay off my student loans, and cram for retirement, making up for the lost income years.

What are my options?
  1. If I ever make it off the waiting list at LSC, I could transfer back and get my AA in nursing.
  2. I could reapply next fall, and if accepted, I could work over breaks, saving every penny for the 6 months where I'll have no income. Graduate in 2010 with a double degree in Nursing and Business Management.
  3. I could quit school, play for the next 3 years, and then find a sugar daddy to shack up with. ;-)
  4. I could switch majors:
    1. Education: my original career dream, but sadly, I don't think it pays enough.
    2. Social Work: completely different course schema, and I don't think it pays enough.
    3. Health Information Management: I would still be employed in the healthcare world, my double major in Bus Mgmt would go nicely with it, it doesn't pay like a nurse, but after a few years, it doesn't pay too badly.
Tomorrow I have an appt with the Dean of Student Advisement (the head of advisors and student retention) to discuss this situation of mine. Hopefully I'll come out of there with some idea on where my future is going.

Other than this latest turmoil, life has been good. All I do is study. Although, this last weekend I took off from studying and went down to the cities and played with Jeff. We went to the Gopher football game on Saturday... if you missed the news, the win felt like a loss. Fire Mason.

Allrighty then.... gotta go study some Chemistry before The New Adventures of Old Christine comes on. LOVE this show.

Missing you all!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Winter is coming... like it or not

Stopped at Java Express (the best thing that has EVER happened to Two Harbors) tonight after picking up B's hockey equipment and the owner told me that we are suppose to get 8 inches of SNOW between now and this weekend. No way! The last 2 days have been in the upper 50s and gorgeous... how is this possible? And how mean, really!

Not to mention I still have so much left to do. I took the camper in to the dump station yesterday and cleaned out the tanks... what a pretty job for me to do. Visions of the movie RV always flashes through my mind as I complete this horrific task.

As I was putting away bird baths and bird feeders in my back yard I managed to step in a big pile of bear poop. I bet most of you have never made this statement! It was fresh too... and slippery... thank god I didn't slip and fall right into it. Oh the excitement of living in the woods...

BTW, I got an A on my German exam. The extremely immature girl who sits behind me and who says the F word 5 times every minute got a D-. :-D

Okay, I gotta run and get Brandon from town... he had a football game in Grand Marais tonight.

Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Bad day/Good Day

Bad, bad start to my day yesterday. I wanted to head into Duluth early so that I could spend a good hour at Caribou studying for my German Exam at 10:30. I didn't get my shit together the night before, and ending up spending way too much time trying to find my MN State CNA license that I needed to make a copy of and hand in with my application to the Nursing program. The deadline was yesterday. Never found it but gave up.

No time for Caribou, but I thought Plan B would work just as well. I'd get coffee at school and spend the hour there studying before the exam. But no, I could not find a parking spot if my life depended on it. Even the illegal spots were taken. And my timing must have been off, no classes were getting out, therefore no people leaving in their cars. I drove around for 25 minutes before I found a spot over by the dorms.

I had spent some time this morning packing my workout bag so that I could work out at the awesome fitness center at the school. I have found my workout fever that has been gone since 1998, so I was looking forward to working out after my last class. As I was thinking this thought while parking my car, I realized that I left my Student Id in my jacket pocket at home. Ugh! This not only means I cannot workout at the awesome fitness center, but it also means that I can't use the Student copy machine to make copies of my CPR and First Aid training cards that are also needed for my degree application. Ugh!

So, I hike to Tower and plan to check my mail (my Chem test results should be there), get coffee, and spend a half hour reviewing before my German test. No mail. 2 people in line at coffee. Doesn't seem bad, but those two ladies took a good 10 minutes to get through! Ugh!

So I get my coffee. My sling-style bag (my bf calls this bag "the splitter".... nice.) is pulling my hair, so as I am trying to wrestle my hair free, my phone starts to ring. I pull my hand out from hair quickly to dig my phone out and a huge handful of hair gets tangled into my Norway ring and rips right out of my head. Great. And I didn't make it to the phone in time.

So I have 15 minutes to study. Not enough time. I feel okay about the test... Brandon quizzed me using the flashcards on the way down to the cities this weekend and the way back. On the last 3 quizzes I've only gotten 1 wrong, so I should be okay.

Head to class... Within minutes I realize that we are suppose to hand in our journals today... mine is sitting on my desk at home. Fantastic. She hands out the exam and I immediately see that this is going to be tougher than I thought. The anxiety starts to set in. Every German word I know runs screaming from my brain in sheer panic. I take a couple of deep breaths, and a couple of swallows of my coffee, and start at it. Luckily, the screaming German words decided to come back to my brain, and I think I did okay.

After class, I run to the copy place in Duluth and make my copies, run back to school, hand in what I have (which makes me nervous because the lady says that she doesn't think I need all this extra stuff... I tell her that the instruction sheet said I did... was this really the right place to hand it in? Is she going to lose it and I won't be accepted to Nursing School this spring?).

I check my mail for the 20th time and still no test results. I see other students pulling the scan sheets from their mailboxes, so where is mine?

I head to Chem where the prof says that he gave the mailroom the tests at 9am. After class I check again. Still nothing. I head back to the science bldg to the prof's office. He remembers grading mine because of all the students he has, I am the only Q. He says I did "extremely well." He is now looking up my grade while telling me that the class average was 82%. I got a 94%!!! I only got 3 wrong! I couldn't believe it! He had said during class that he felt that the avg was so high because a lot of it was review from high school. Well, high school is a long way off for me, so none of it was review! Whew!!

So, there you have my very bad day, turned good.