Had a great weekend even tho I spent a lot of it working with Jeff on his apt. We packed his remaining stuff up and stored it in my garage. And cleaned. Funny how work doesn't seem so awful when I'm doing it with him...
The three of us saw Over the Hedge Friday night. Excellent movie that made me laugh out loud numerous times. We had dinner at the China Star.... this time the MSG didn't affect me, so I'm thinking it only happens when I have a buildup of MSG in my system.
Sunday we (Jeff, Brandon and I) golfed the Silver Bay course (which reminds me that I forgot to get the scorecard from Jeff). Nice course! On the 4th hole I got it on the green in one shot!! Of course then it took me like 4 more to putt it in.... but still!
I got up at 5am this morning to be at work by 6. I teamed up with another gal because I'm still in training, but I got two gals up and ready for the day all by myself. My first gal is 43 and has MS and slight dementia. She has a gorgeous daughter that graduated from HS this year. I've never seen her visit her mom tho. Every time I work with her, I say a quick prayer to God thanking him that I have my health. The other gal I worked with is elderly and a tiny, tiny woman. I can lift her up by myself with no problems. She is an absolute sweetheart until she gets tired. She always calls me baby or sweetheart. She shares a room with her husband who I have never seen even acknowlege her. He doesn't even join her for meals (she eats in the dining room and he eats in his room). She asks about him tho. How sad. Their daughter and son-in-law visited them today and were there for a good hour.
By the end of my shift at 2:30 I'm exhausted! And don't feel like doin' nuttin! After my shift I ran home and picked up Brandon and his friend Micky and raced them to the ball field. They had a game at 4:15 but wanted to be there for the 3pm game in case they were short players. Brandon is getting a ride home from Micky's mom and actually said that I didn't need to be there for his game.... how thrilling and unusual since he expects me to be at every hockey game and practice and watching every single moment! So I've had the house to myself since 3:30.... I took a wonderful and rare 1/2 hour nap.
Polar pooped in the house twice today without ever asking to go out. She also is pooping on the back deck for some reason. I bought her a little non-slip rug for in front of her food and water bowls so she would stop slipping on the slippery floor, but yesterday her legs gave out and she fell right into her bowls! She never seems in pain.... she's quite happy actually... so I just don't know what to do with her. I hate even the thought of putting her down. I've had her for nearly my entire adult life (17 years)!
I'm reading a Bill Bryson book right now... Neither Here nor There, I think it's called. It's about his journeys in Europe. He makes me laugh out loud.
One of my residents told me today that I have a really nice laugh.
Another one (the lumberjack) told me he was going to whistle me a song... and then did! How do you not smile at that?! I smiled inside and out. He also told me he was as hungry as a timberwolf.
I saw Big D at Tejas last week. She was there with a balding little man and a woman with mousey brown short hair. I passed her on the way to the bathroom... on the way back she had turned her whole body toward the booth and was hiding her face with her hand as she talked. She obviously didn't want me to see her. I so wish I was bold.... I could have said to her, "Hey! How are you! How is that sexual orientation treament working for you?" Or any other numerous comments to bash her. She is pure evil like I have never seen before.
Gotta go.... Brandon should be home any minute.
Joy to you all!